Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election 2012! Who Won? Who Lost?

     My mother used to bum around the house in this ratty, faded old t-shirt.  The shirt read, "A woman's place is in the house...and Senate!"  You see, my folks weren't just from the 60s, they were OF the 60s.  I didn't see a lot of tye-dye shirts or batik tapestries growing up around our home, though there were plenty of Joan Baez, Bob Dylan and CSN (and sometimes Y) records.  My folks weren't hippies per se, at least not the dope smoking, Dead following, Woodstock going, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi loving kind.  They were political though, and they could sing all the words to "The Draft Dodger Rag" by Phil Ochs which is pretty damned cool.  There were campus buildings stormed and protests and the March on Washington.  As they grew older, there were jobs with the head-start program around Washington DC, college teaching and eventually both of my parents worked for or with unions.  What I'm saying is that I'm totally screwed, because the impulse that drives me to speak or write when I see something interesting, wrong, beautiful, or divisive and fight for what I believe in is not just in my is in the learned behavior from my parents as well.  I simply cannot stand back and say or do nothing.  I cannot be apolitical.  I've tried.
     So let us speak of the election.  Who lost last night?  Mitt Romney did, though his concession speech was outstanding and inspiring.  Who else lost last night:
The far right which would seek to subvert America with its own agenda along with people who think that rape and god are tied together and that abortion should be legislated accordingly.
Independent voting and candidates.
Campaign reform.
Whitey and cracker-ass-crackers.
Debt reduction based on budget process restructuring.
Religious oppression.
People who can't define socialism and Marxism.
Those who seek to oppress women and see them as second class citizens.
Donald fucking Trump.

So, who won?
The United States of America.
Centrists and moderates.
Love and civil unions/marriage freedom.
Gerrymandering (Marylanders, fuck you very much for killing democracy!)
Religious freedom.
Affordable healthcare and people with pre-existing conditions.
Gaming concerns and gambling addicts.
Ethnic minorities.
Big Bird. 

     There's many more on both lists, but you can figure it out.  Clownies be smart readers.
     The fact that so many of the races were very, very close goes to show that candidates on the far right and far left still have to fight very hard to win an election.  Thank god or the void or whatever that they usually lose.  Most of us live, work, think and believe somewhere in the center of possibilities and ideologies.  If you do not court this moderate center then you cannot win elections in most of the country.  Also, don't blow off, piss off or write off the ethnic minorities in this country if you want to hold office.  Take that bitchez!
     That's it I guess.  I'm still going to be around talking about stuff I love and stuff that pisses me off.  This was never meant to be a political blog.  I suppose that timing is everything.  So stay close people and I'll keep filling in your empty holes with information and saucy satire. 
'Nuff said.

Caustic the Clown

P the fuck. S. Now is the chance to abandon your party.  Do.  It.  Now.  Don't wait until the next election.  Go down to the post office this week and re-register as anything but a D or an R.  Seek out your future independent candidates and volunteer for their election bids.  Give them some money for crying out loud.  Call or email your elected officials and let them know you want to see Green party, Constitutional party and Independent candidates in future debates.  Encourage your local blogs, radio stations, news outlets all to do stories on these candidates.  Only then can we kill the two party system, and it damn well needs to die.

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