Mornin', Clownies. Let's get started! I got an email from the Democratic National Committee reminding me to vote for Obama and the rest of the Democrats running in my area. It occurred to me that emails like this were likely going out on both sides to the entire country. I find it disturbing that we're being encouraged to vote thoughtlessly along party lines rather than voting our consciences, wallets, and other words, not giving a shit about parties and caring about the country in general. I unsubscribed from the mailing list. I haven't been a Democrat in 12 years. I am proud to be a registered Independent.
How could I possibly pick a party in this day and age with my centrist beliefs???
I'm very pro gun. Not for some 2nd Amendment reason. I just like guns. I want the ability to shoot an intruder in the face if he comes in to my house and threatens my family. I want to feel secure in my ability to survive the upcoming and guaranteed zombie holocaust. And when our paper dragon government and economy totally crumble, I want to be able to keep the mad and hungry masses from coming into my home and stealing what I gotz.
I abhor abortion. It makes me want to yark all over myself. When you learn about the process and see the pictures, it should make you sick to your gutty-wuts. Never the less, I am a realist. This country is overcrowded. There are unplanned pregnancies and not enough people to adopt unwanted children. As far as I know, we don't offer free sterilization to those who want it. So I am a pro-life person who believes in pro-choice legislation.
Social issues that promote equality across lines of sex and sexual orientation need to be resolved. I believe in civil unions for the LGBT community. There should be no more than civil unions for ALL people. Let churches handle marriages and let the government grant civil unions to everybody. Problem solved. Equal rights are good. Minorities and women don't get paid as well as their man-cracker equivalents. Equal pay is also good.
My foreign policy is a little trickier. We need to stop sending hard earned tax dollars overseas. We are worse than broke. We're 16 trillion dollars in debt. By the end of this year, the 2012 interest on that money will be nearing half of a trillion dollars. So, we need to stop writing checks to countries that have disasters. We don't have the money. We need to stop paying military contractors that are ripping us off...and they most definitely are. According to CNN, one soldier in Afghanistan for one year costs about $850,000. We need to get our soldiers home asap if for nothing but the exorbitant cost of having them away. So I'm pro-military and defense, but anti-government-waste. Let's not close down homeless shelters and schools because some other country can't take care of itself. Time for tough love. Do I want to help? Maybe. Bottom line? No money, so cut that shit out.
The way this country budgets its money needs to be fixed. We cannot continue to reward departments and agencies for overspending and waste. We need to reward them for underspending. That is how companies used to work and it makes sense. That is another post entirely.
Our agencies that we count on to keep us safe and regulate how things are manufactured and then get to the store and then into our bodies are poorly managed, undermanned and underfunded. The FDA and the USDA rely largely on test results provided by the companies that are bringing their products in to be tested. How fucked up is that? Very? Yes. Yes it is.
There's many more issues that I care about, but I'm kinda hungover and need to get to the meat of this piece. What I'm trying to say is that neither of the Big Two parties suit my needs or reflect what is important to me in whole. Do your beliefs fit snugly and all comfy like within party lines? I'm willing to bet that they don't.
Your party doesn't want you to think about all the issues. They want you to be distracted by the hot button issues that are divisive and may or may not be that important in the greater scheme of the well being of this country. Why is that? Because Congress is doing a shit job and when you're worried about your party and about the social issue of the day then you're not paying attention to the fact that our government is broken and almost nobody in office knows how to fix it. I don't have this first hand, but I have a feeling that when some young upstart comes into the House or Senate and tries to shake things up, they're blackballed by the current establishment. The status quo is an institution and an object at rest tends to stay at rest.
The DNC and RNC don't give a shit about you and most of your congressmen don't either. Believe it. According to USA Today 57 congresspeople are in the fabled 1% and there are 250 millionaires total in Congress. When I look at that I don't see Republicans vs Democrats, I see the wealthy vs everyone else. You think the upper echelons of both parties aren't chummy? I'll just bet they are, and no matter who wins what election the money keeps flowing on up to them though lobbying, bribes, donations, book tours, speaking engagements, etc... One of the best ways to send a message to your elected officials is to drop out of your party...and do it now. It is not too late to register as an Independent for this upcoming election. Once independent voters gain numbers, we'll see better independent choices on the ballots and the Republicans and Democrats will have to spend more time working on the issues rather than making their party constituents happy. Doesn't that sound nice? Fucking right it does.
Caustic the Clown
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