Division works best when the tugging, pulling, and finger-pointing are done from both ends or sides, and my multiple parties.
I'm already all over the place. While I love a good outline I simply don't have the time today to structure this properly. Suffice it to say that imposters are found on all sides and that there are far more groups than Russians who profit from our division, and I mean literally profit. The endgame, in my mind, nearly always comes down to greed. What troubles me more so is when the endgame is less apparent. So this has just become a multi-part series on the mystery players and biased sites who are not "behind" #Resist, but along side or even outside of it.
Let's talk about some players first, where their motives are not entirely clear.
Imma start with @socialpowerone/#TheResistance on Twitter. Their name is a little on the nose, yes? Resist is bigger than one person. So what do we know about @socialpowerone? Very little it turns out.
Five-plus years on Twitter. That's solid.
151,000 followers. That's scary influential.
He/she/they post nary an original concept, but regurgitate ad nauseam from sites like Crooks & Liars, Shareblue, Mother Jones, and others like them. I'll do a separate piece on sites like these, but folks these are not news outlets. More often than not, with MJ being the best of the bunch, they rehash articles from Washington Post, New York Times, NY Daily News, and other MSM. They simply spin the original information harder than a dreidel at Hanukkah.
Here's SP1's profile pic:

That's a handsome and well assembled dude. He looks socially conscious too! Stern. Thoughtful. But this isn't "SocialPowerOne". This is Sierra Leone model Salieu Jalloh. In other words, rather than using their own pic, or an ambiguous one, they've picked a person who is unaffiliated with Resist and used their likeness as a false representation. Here's a pic of Mr. Jalloh in full model mode:

Now I use an altered picture of myself as I treasure my anonymity, but that pic is 100% me. I didn't scour the web for a more handsome, more colourful, more bow-tie modely version of myself. So what I need everyone to ask themselves is, who would do this and for fuck's sake why? Why would you trust what this person posts when they are all about obfuscation and misdirection? That's a really bad start in my opinion. Add to that their unoriginality and one could start to get really concerned about why this account has 150k followers.
I have a theory, and this theory goes well beyond SP1, but that account is one of the worst offenders. My theory is that many of these folks are founders or humble "writers" (not journalists) for the sites which are Resist popular on social media. Why else incessantly post from the same 3-5 sites? To me this is the most logical conclusion, although I fully intend to try to connect the dots between all of these sites if I am able. Humans are enterprising. There are folks who saw the division under Obama (under, not created by) and said, "Hey, we can use this." Then when Trump announced his candidacy they said (allegedly), "Holy Flerking Ballsnuts! We can use the mother-loving-fuck out of this!!!".
And here we are. Up shite creek (AKA the Potomac) with naught but a swizzle stick for propulsion. Ask yourselves, who is SocialPowerOn?. Why are they posting, almost exclusively, spun and biased versions of the work of real journalists. What do they have to gain. What do you have to lose by listening to a stranger of whose motivations you know nothing? Why do they tell you less about themselves than a clown who is attempting to remain anonymous?
Before I get to the left-wing spin sites themselves I'll going to tackle a few more folks like Scotty Dworkin, Billy Palmer, and more accounts like our very own poseur Jalloh. Some folks may ask why I'm not going after right wingers. I'll tell you. We know who those arseholes are and can all see them coming from kilometers away. I'm far more concerned about those who would pose as Resist and seek only to profit from us, blind us, misdirect us, or use us for god only knows what.
That will not stand. Not on my watch.
Caustic the Clown
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