Let's talk, because no matter what happens this November and that of 2020 we're all in this country together and we on the left, Dem or Indy, aren't planning on going anywhere.
We have to get some things straight here, and I'm going to go out on a limb and speak for most of my team. I'm comfortable doing so and so away we go.
1. WE don't want open borders. The phrase "Open border Dems/left" is being tossed around quite a bit. It has been for 8-10 years now and it simply isn't true. Open borders are dangerous and leave little room for even keeping count and none for vetting. We want secure borders, but we also want to grant every opportunity for those in need to come to the US and become productive American citizens. The current population can't fill all of the open jobs. 1st and 2nd generation immigrants are shown to be harder workers and commit less crimes than long time Americans, in general. I like that. We NEED that. It raises the bar for all of us and for the most part these new Americans will not be taking your job. Mechanization will. A robot will. Automation will. These folks will not.
Even as an Atheist I recognize helping those in need is the "Christian" thing to do. More importantly it's the HUMAN thing to do. We have room. There's no shortage of land or resources if we as a country did a better job of managing those resources. We don't. We could. We should.
2. WE don't want your home protection guns or hunting rifles despite many of your talking heads saying so. I own some of these myself. I enjoy shooting. I don't ever want to have to shoot a person, but I like to be prepared for all eventualities. I bought my guns knowing that they were far likely to injure someone I love than to stop a criminal or crime in progress. It wasn't a rational decision, but as an actual responsible gun owner I trusted my wife and myself to take every precaution, even those which could slow our response to an intruder. Some of you want your semi-automatic high capacity rifles. Shooting one is a joy which I've experienced, but I would never buy one for hunting or protection. There are better choices. I also don't take stock in the landslide argument that "my team" will start with those and work down. All we want to do is decrease the body count from mass shootings without having every civilian armed and every building protected. That would be ugly and totally unnecessary. I don't want my country to be THAT country. I'm an advocate for freedom so I don't want what I think to determine what you can buy. So I'm asking that you give up these guns, because guns are death. We need less needless death in our country.
Yes, there are handgun and shotgun deaths. There are gang related shootings. There is city crime, and drive-bys and all manner of needless gun deaths. We want to stop those as well. Those solutions are less sexy than gun restrictions. Preventing those deaths are part of a much larger conversation of inequality and inequity. We would also like to sit down with you on those. We're ready when you are.
3. WE don't hate Christians. We aren't waging war on them. Some of us dislike organized religion because we see it as impeding logic and as a rigid and outdated construct which subverts practitioners. Some of us hold dear the separation of Church and State. I recognize that my local churches do amazing things for the community. So do my local Temples and Mosques. So do my local atheists. There is room for everyone. There is room for inclusion, and brother-/sisterhood. We ask that if your church or religion is preaching exclusion, hate, or intolerance (and this goes for ANY/EVERY faith) that you reexamine where you choose to celebrate your faith. We also ask that you take a day and sit in with a different faith, before you judge an entire religion. There are bad folks in any religion. Don't let the few determine how you view the entire group. Find out for yourselves how your neighbors practice. It's always the best way.
4. WE aren't violent mobs any more than you are all White Supremacists out to run down the Heather Heyers of the world. Some folks want you to believe differently because that keeps us divided and benefits them. There are party operatives, foreign agents, and folks just trying to make a buck who ALL benefit from our lack of unity. We have to stop handing them our minds and country because we ALL lose when they're running the show. Many of my "lefties" are VERY vocal about our thoughts on and disapproval of ANTIFA style tactics. I. Don't. Approve. Are you as vocal about shouting down the Proud Boys? David Duke? AFP? Aryans? NPI? Maybe you could do more? Be louder? Because not standing up to these people is tantamount to giving them approval.
I wasn't raised to judge people on their looks, sexuality, or faith. Maybe some of you were. You don't have to stay that way if that was the case. We are all meant to be better people than our parents were and a little change goes a long way.
5. WE don't love abortions. I HATE abortions. They sicken me. I want to end abortions. To me that has NOTHING to do with making them illegal. If we all want less abortions then why the hell aren't we working together? Because folks in power don't want us to work together. We need to work together. Abortions are on the steady decline. There were about 650k in 2014. What if we worked together through options, education, and health care to take that down by another 250K? Would you see that as a win? I sure would. We could do that... together, and keep whittling them away until they approached closer and closer to zero.
6. WE don't want to give tax money away to moochers or offer FREE healthcare to the entire country. We want to collect taxes in a sensible manner which would actually PAY for food programs, energy assistance, full health coverage for YOU and US and EVERYONE. We want college to be available to anyone regardless of social or financial status. We want the best K-12 schools in the world so that YOUR children grow up to be badass brainiacs. We DON'T want to keep running the football backwards away from our goal posts, but we are because the debt and deficit are climbing. They climb under EVERY Congress and POTUS no matter blue or red. Only we, all working together, can stop that trend. We already know how. There cannot be 0% taxes on mega-corporations through laws and loopholes. If you and I are paying 28-33% then the 1% should be as well. Doesn't have to be more, but it sure as hell shouldn't be less.
Let them help support the people and country which made them wealthy. Trickle down is a myth. Trickle up is not.
7. This one's a bit trickier, because tempers are high. I'm gong to speak for myself here. I DON'T hate you. I don't hate the president. I hate no man or woman. There's no room in me for hate and hate keeps us all from seeing and hearing each other clearly. This doesn't mean I'm not angry. My anger may be immeasurable. I'm angry at people who would allow or even worse, encourage, injustice, inequality, inequity, and prejudice against ANYONE who is just trying to live their lives in peace and it makes me sick just to think about it. I'm angry with you for supporting someone who I perceive as an incompetent, megalomaniac madman and asking him to represent us as President and on the world stage. I'm angry with those of you who support legislators who seek to limit rights rather than grant equality. I'm angry with those who signed off on a bill which takes our tax cuts but grants them to the wealthy instead. I'm angry at people who ignore actual facts in lieu of "information" from talking heads and pundits, no matter who they are. I'm angry at anyone who still proudly exclaims "#MAGA!" with everything going on in this country. But that doesn't mean I'm not willing to talk or listen. YOU just have to be willing to REALLY listen when I talk, because I'm not fighting to take anything away from you. When the things I desire for this country come through, then everyone benefits. That's sort of the whole point to me. That's the whole point of everyone who believes as I do... and I think that most of us on the left do.
There's much more for us to discuss! Let's let this sink in a bit and we can come back to it or add it.
Until then, be well. Be safe. Be kind. Be understanding if you can. Take a break from the talking heads. Talk to a real liberal or lefty IN PERSON and do so with patience, calm, and compassion. Ask them to do the same. You might like the results.
Caustic the Clown