Obviously were are very early into this election cycle. Nevertheless I feel that I have most likely
made up my mind on whom I will be supporting.
This is part one of a multi-part series where I will discuss each of the
candidates which I think are relevant to next year’s election. First let me get one thought off my mind.
All of the Republican candidates are varying levels of pro-life. There is nothing inherently wrong with that
stance and I would never chose a candidate on one issue alone. People who get abortions are some sick
mother-fuckers with loose morals and a disturbingly skewed sense of right and
wrong. If there is a God, then these
people will surely go to hell for blatantly sacrificing the gift that He gave
them. Abortion makes me sick. That being said, I am anti-abortion and absolutely
pro-choice. I am not a woman, so it is
not for me to decide. I will not put my Judeo-Christian
morals on other people. There is not an
efficient system in this country for handling unwanted children. Lastly and most importantly I am not adopting
any children. If you do not adopt
children and you are pro-life then you are a fucking hypocrite, you have
zero credibility, and you are not part of the solution. You do not get to be
pro-life unless you are actively helping to make the lives of unwanted children
better by bringing them into your home. Also, as I've stated before calling yourself pro-life when you are for the death penalty is utter bullshit and in my expert opinion, unchristian.
The Donald may be my favorite Republican candidate and not simply
for his love of hats or because he is every bit a clown like myself. One of the best things about him? He is not afraid to say that this country sucks giant hairy balls. He acknowledges that we are not the greatest country in the world...a concept which seems to terrify or completely incense some Americans. The only way to get back on top is to finally admit to ourselves that we are not in fact, anywhere near the top. In 1999 he proposed increasing taxes on the rich
by 14.25%. He still feels this way today. This is a good idea, though it may not be
enough without closing existing loopholes.
He believes that giving a withdraw date from Afghanistan was a “stupid
mistake”. That is spot on and I couldn’t
agree more. Trump feels that China is a
huge danger to US business and labor. This
is not a brain buster. Additionally he
feels that we as a country should not do business with countries that have a
poor human rights records or where the people are oppressed by the
government. Obviously based on where
manufacturing is centralized these days this is a tall order, but his heart is
in the right place. He believes in
smaller government, which I am a huge fan of, but we differ on where the cuts
should be made. Trump thinks we should get the fuck out of the Middle East. I concur. There is no victory there for us. Trump is pro-gun and against assault weapons. This mirrors my own beliefs.
Trump is rather vocal on immigration issues. Just for schnitzengiggles I got into a debate
with my daughter about whether “anchor-baby” is a racist or appropriate
term. CNN is discussing this ad nauseam. Guess what?
It doesn’t matter. Yes these kids
are US citizens. Yes, some of their
parents may have had these babies to give themselves a footing in this country. I don’t mind the term “anchor baby”. It seems apt to me, but I can see where some
would find it offensive. Certainly this
term should not be the center of the debate.
It deflects conversations from the deeper issues. Why are people fleeing Mexico and South/Central
America? They are fleeing because some
of those places blow big-time and on many levels. We know this.
So what do we do? Trump wants to
build a giant wall on the Mexico side and have Mexico foot the bill. As a NIMBY libtard this sounds like a fine
idea to me! The wall will be damned
ugly. People will still somehow get over
or under it because people are like water; they are both unstoppable and will find a way. I would hate to live on that border and see a
giant prison wall on a quarter of my property line. Also, you have to make allowances for animal migrations
and natural water-ways. Betcha Trump
doesn’t have a good solution for either of those. We cannot deport US citizens, so what do we
do with these “anchor babies”? We leave them and their parents alone; even though every single one of these people will turn out to be a rapist and/or murderer. Yes, we need more patrols. I think a wall would be expensive if we
cannot get Mexico to somehow pay for it not to mention ugly and unfeasible.
The logistics for deporting every illegal in the country seem
insurmountable…especially for a government that sucks at pretty much everything. So let us fast track who is already
here. Let us step up border patrols which would put people to work as well as stop new folks from coming in. The Christian thing to do would be to welcome
these people in as brothers and sisters in humanity and help them in every way
possible. Thankfully, I am not a
Christian so I don’t think this is necessary.
Also, we already have loads of people here who need plenty of help.
That being said, I cannot vote for Trump. We clearly disagree on immigration and he is a racist who is not afraid to make broad sweeping generalizations about an entire group of people. He is a “drill baby drill” candidate. He is not pressed about sustainable
energy. He does not support farm
subsidies and is for cuts in the USDA and FDA.
He somehow thinks that the US is the highest taxed country in the
world. Spoiler alert…we aren’t even in
the top 5. Trump dislikes our current
education model, which I do as well, but he has not provided solutions other than
eliminating the Department of Education and handing control to local and state governments. Look at Texas and tell me if that is a good
idea. Trump is against same sex marriage
which is kind of a deal breaker for me.
Forbidding people to have something which you have, in which giving it to them in
no way affects your life, seems pretty lousy to me. He is against the Affordable Care Act, but
has no suitable replacement in hand.
Finally, Trump is a lousy and savvy business person. He and his companies have filed for multiple bankruptcies,
but he personally always comes out on top.
Sometimes he creates investor projects that fail, but his contracts are written
so that he shares little of the risk. He
has even made profits on failed investments while his partners suffer all or
most of the losses. He doesn’t play the
business game well, but has expert legal advice. Therefore he always works the system so that
he comes out ahead either through use of contracts or through litigation. Stay classy, Trump.
No to Trump in 2016.
Caustie el Payaso